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Let's Chat : School Days Link Up

This month's linkup is SCHOOL DAYS! Thanks to Andrea and Erika for this opportunity!

Wow, July 25th and talking about school already! Actually, when we went on our coffee date together last week, Trina started school supply shopping for her girls! I, on the other hand, am totally bummed that my kids' school has decided to provide their school supplies this year. Are you crazy, you might ask? Ladies, I LOVE to school supply shop. Buying new pencils and pens and highlighters and post-its...the list goes on. I am a total dork, but I love it all!
Can I also take a second to freak out a little bit that Gavin, my oldest child, is entering into 7th grade?!?! Argh! I remember going into 7th grade. Scary stuff. Will is heading into 3rd and sweet Elliot will be in what we call Pre-K4.

These are my 3 kids on the first day of school last year. We have been using these awesome printables from the How Does She blog for a few years. These kids have grown so much in a year!

This was their last day of school. Isn't it the sweetest that they are holding hands??! I am melting over here!  Anyway, these are the backpacks they had, and they look pretty good after a year of wear and tear, don't they! Will's black backpack was a rolling one from Land's End. Here is this year's updated version. You can tuck the straps in when you roll it or wear it like a traditional backpack. He will probably get this to replace last year's backpack. It was a good quality backpack. The only problem was with the rolling part (at least last year's version) was that it would sometimes get off balance and he would have to battle it a bit to get it back on both wheels.
Elliot's backpack was so cute! We got it from Garnet Hill. It held up really great for her! And it was the Backpack size, not the Backpack Jr. size despite her petite size. Her school requires that it is large enough to put a full sized folder in.  They do not have the pattern she had this year, but the updated patterns are cute. I am considering this cute owl pattern one or this one below from Pottery Barn Kids.

My older son, Gavin, carries a Packers (Go Pack, Go!! Sorry. Had to do it!) backpack. I am sure there are TONS of fellow Packers fans out there, just dying to see the latest backpacks, am I right? His was more plain, but this is the updated version as well. I have no idea what kind he will want this year. I guess we should start talking about it!

My kids and I also love these Thermos 12oz and 16oz Funtainers on Amazon/AmazonSmile. Of course, they have many different designs and characters. Will is going to want this one, because in second grade he KNOWS he is going to be a paleontologist. Check them out! They keep drinks cold ALL DAY!  And I love the easy open and drinking from the straw! We put ours in the dishwasher every day. LOVE THEM!

Walking these two in on the first day last year.  Melts my heart to see us all holding hands! I get so excited at the beginning of a school year. It holds so much excitement and promise. I feel somehow more organized. I do love these lazy days of summer, eating on a less regimented schedule and swimming. So much swimming. Only 32 days left for us to enjoy the summer before we get back into the strict routine of the school year. 

I love the start of a new school year!  As a teacher I see the new school as a new beginning and a fresh start.  I certainly love the summer with my family, but it is also nice to get back to a routine.  I am fortunate because I teach at the school that my girls attend.  I get to wave to them in the hall and watch them walk to class daily.  I love it!

Here are my girls on the first day of school last year.

This was the moment right before they walked down the hall to class on the first day!

My girls have both had the same LLBean backpack since kindergarten!  They are wonderful, durable backpacks.

They have a variety of colors and patterns.  They also have the option to monogram the backpack for an additional $8.00.  Right now these backpacks are 25% off, which makes them $29.96.  Not a bad deal for several years of use!

Both of my girls also have a lunch box from LLBean.  It is a great size and it keeps their lunches well insulated.  It was important for them to have a large lunch box because they put an after school snack in there as well since we usually spend a good amount of time in my classroom.

Neither of my girls are huge fans of sandwiches, so I often pack soup or pasta for them in a thermos. I love the Thermos Funtainer 10 ounce food jar.  It keeps their food warm until lunch.  It also closes tightly so I don't have to worry about spills inside the lunch box.

I honestly cannot believe that it is almost time to go back to school!  I was in a craft store yesterday and saw CHRISTMAS items already on display.  Everyone always told me that time would go by faster once I had children.  It is so true!  I cannot believe that I will have a 3rd grader and a 5th grader this year.  Middle school next year!!  I cannot even talk about that yet...

Here are my girls on the last day of school.  My oldest daughter has a bun in her hair because not only was it the last day of school, but it was also dance recital weekend.  More crazy school/dance schedules to come!  We will take it all in stride and I know that they will have a fabulous school year!


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