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Melt In Your Mouth Salmon

What's for dinner, tonight? 

Anyone get tired of this question? I do, but probably because half (ok, more than half!!) the time, I have no clue!! I have been trying to improve my meal planning skills. I am hoping you can help me! My goal is to start meal planning with you. Then we both have our meals for the week figured out!

So, may I suggest this?

This salmon recipe is seriously amazing. I never really thought I liked salmon all that much. 14 years ago, my Dad took our family on a cruise to Alaska. We went on a whale watching trip that has forever changed my life because of this recipe. It was one of those whale watching excursions with lunch provided. And I don't know about you, but those lunches can be sketchy at best. This one was amazing! We had some very fresh salmon that they had marinated. We asked what it was because it was so delicious. And this is how I remembered it...

Anyone out there remember Dentyne Ice?? I don't know if you can read it, but you get the idea. This was the only thing I had to write on!  I scribbled down the recipe on this gum wrapper, so I wouldn't forget, and I still have it in my recipe binder today!

I love this marinade because it is sweet and buttery but not overly so, because of the soy sauce and lemon juice. It is the perfect balance and makes the salmon just sort of melt in your mouth. We are always looking at ways to eat more fish, and this is a great recipe for someone who thinks they don't like fish!

Let's get started!


Whisking Together


*Note: I got so excited about the salmon we grilled, I forgot to take a finished picture! I ate most of my dinner, and then realized I forgot. Oops! Good news is, I froze a portion of the salmon and marinade and this time I remembered to photograph it! Added bonus: this freezes beautifully!

I baked this piece in the oven. Maybe not the most beautiful, but I wanted you to see it on the cookie sheet I put in the oven.

The cooked salmon. Yum! My mouth is watering I wish we were having it for dinner tonight!

Mouth Watering Salmon
- Salmon (wild caught if you can find it!)
- Equal parts:
Brown Sugar (1/2 cup, for example)
Melted Butter (1/2 cup, for example)
- 1/2 ratio soy sauce (1/4 cup, for example) 
- 1/4 lemon juice (1/8 cup, for example)

***This is a little confusing, but infinitely adjustable. My examples are usually the amounts I use. My measurements are for about a pound of salmon. I give you the ratios so you can adjust as you wish.
  1. Cut salmon into the pieces/sizes you wish. Leave the skin on!
  2. Whisk marinade ingredients together in a dish. (I prefer to mix it whatever I am marinating the salmon in to save a dish to clean!)
  3. Place salmon in the dish. Marinate for 30 minutes or so on the counter. (If you need to do it a bit earlier in advance, you can put it in the fridge, but the butter solidifies and forms a fat layer on top.)
  4. Grill, skin side down, until the skin comes off! Check on it around 10 minutes. It depends on the thickness and size of your salmon.
***If you would prefer to bake it in the oven: Bake, skin side down, at 450 degrees for 12-15 minutes, again until the skin comes off!

usually pair this with rice and raw or wilted spinach. But I have done pasta before because my kids are EXTREMELY picky and will hardly touch the salmon and sometimes they are even finicky about the rice (insert eye roll here) and at least they have something they will eat. Hope you and your family love it!



                                  © 2016 Moms' Coffee Date All Rights Reserved 


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