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Homemade Pizza with Lemony Arugula

I don't know about you, but pizza is always a hit at my house. Just about every time I ask my family what they want for dinner, someone yells, "PIZZA!!"

Don't get me wrong, we do order out sometimes from our local pizza place for delivery. 
But occasionally, I plan a little ahead and we make homemade pizzas. We make our own individual pizzas and then have a "picnic." No, not exactly the kind of picnic you are thinking of. Our "picnics" have evolved. It started as a special treat for our kids to spread out blankets on the living room floor and watch a movie while we eat our pizza.

Now, it's a tradition! Eating Pizza? Picnic Time! We usually watch a show we enjoy together on Netflix or a movie that we have been waiting to see on Apple TV.  It's just a fun way to enjoy a special moment together.

On to the pizza!!

I use Lisa Leake's recipe from her blog 100 Days of Real Food as my guide. Click HERE to see her version. 

I have changed it up a bit because my family is not about completely whole wheat flour pizza dough. Trust me...I've tried. I do half whole wheat flour and half regular flour.  Sometimes I feel extra brave and make it with 2 cups of whole wheat flour and 1 regular.  We are always trying to improve our diet and reduce the processed and sugary foods. We are really far from perfect! I still allow my kids treats and some junk. It is always an effort to reduce that type of thing and improve the way we eat. I think it is important to make informed decisions about the food choices you make. 

Homemade Pizzas

  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 2 tsp yeast (active dry yeast)
  • 2 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 1/2 cups unbleached flour
  • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Any toppings you want!
  1. Add yeast to the warm water. Stir gently and wait for it to bubble up a bit and dissolve.
  2. While the yeast is doing its thing, add your flour to a food processor with a dough blade.You could also use a mixer and a dough hook, or even mix by hand.
  3. Stir the salt and olive oil into the water yeast mixture. 
  4. Pour the water mixture into the flour however you are mixing it. (I prefer the food processor.) The dough should end up as a ball, chasing itself around the bowl. I find my dough takes a bit more water. If it is too dry, add water a little at a time until the dough chases itself. If it becomes too wet, add a little flour.
  5. Once combined, place the dough into a covered bowl or plastic bag (prepped with olive oil so it doesn't stick!) and let rise either one the counter or in the refrigerator for an hour or even overnight. **I have used it right away and it was ok. If you have the time, allowing it to rise is preferable.
  6. When ready, preheat your oven to 500°, flour your counter and roll out the dough! I cut ours into 5 pieces for individual pizzas or roll out the one large dough ball for one large pizza. Place the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 
  7. Spread out the tomato sauce, put on your toppings and bake the individuals pizzas for 6-8 minutes. The whole dough ball pizza should take 8-10 minutes.Just look for slightly browned and bubbling cheese.
Rising Dough
Elliot rolling out the dough. See! Even the kids can help!
Topped and ready for the oven!
Kids' Pizzas!
My Pizza-love mushrooms!

While the pizza(s) are baking I have one more addition to prepare.
I love to add arugula coated with a little lemon vinaigrette to the top of the finished pizza. It is so good, and really takes the pizza over the top. Not to mention, you get some greens in!

Lemon Vinaigrette:

  • 1 part lemon juice (example 1 tbsp)
  • 2 parts olive oil (example 2 tbsp)
  • pinch of salt and pepper
Combine in a small mason jar and shake! 

My Finished Pizza with Arugula!
I hope that you and your family enjoy these as much as we do!


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