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Friday Favorites-January 13th

We are on our THIRD snow day here!  I love days off with my family, but I am actually happy to get back to our routine tomorrow.  Here are some of my recent favorites:

Favorite #1
I treated myself to a Fitbit Charge 2 after Christmas and I love it!  I have always wondered how many steps I take since I almost never sit down at school.  (At least 10,000 steps by the time the school day is over!)  Also, as I get older I am realizing how important exercise is for health.  I am hoping that it will motivate me to move more.  I have to say that so far it works!  It reminds me to move if I sit for too long,  (This has happened a lot on these snow days!) My oldest daughter got a Fitbit Alta for Christmas, so it is also a great way for us to "compete" to see who has the most steps. My youngest daughter has shown a lot of interest, so I may look into getting her one as well.  Anything that helps us to be more active as a family is a good thing!

Favorite #2
My family loves to garden in the spring and fall.  One thing that we have always tried to grow but have had no luck with are avocado trees.  My husband has tried growing one from a seed several times without luck.  I searched on the internet and found Avoseedo.  It is basically a boat for an avocado seed.  It got great ratings on Amazon, so we are giving it a try.  I will let you know if it works.  I really hope so!  I would love to have fresh avocados to eat at home!

Favorite #3
I have blogged several times about how much I love my Frye boots.  Honestly, I love boots in general.  I am always excited to find new ones to add to my collection.  My husband got me my first pair of Sorel boots for Christmas and I love them!  They have a fleece lining and are waterproof.  The sole has great traction too.  I wore them out in the snow and they kept my feet warm and dry.  I definitely recommend them!

Favorite #4
I hate to be cold in the winter.  I especially hate it when my feet are cold!  This winter I have discovered Cuddl Duds socks and they are wonderful!  They are super soft, thick, and warm.  If you are a fan of cozy socks, I would definitely recommend giving them a try.  I know that Kohl's now carries the Cuddl Duds brand, so you can often get them for a really great price.


What a crazy couple of weeks we've had! My kids finally went back to school after Winter Break! Well, sort of. Two of them were home sick all week, and finally returned last Friday.  So now you understand why we were MIA on our Friday Favorites last week! Anyway, an hour into the school day on Friday, my other child came home sick from school. And the very next day, we got about 6 inches of snow/ice. 

And yesterday, was the very first day they went back to school as a result of the snowstorm. If you follow us on social media, you saw that my husband, Eddie, and I went to Orlando to the International Builders' Show this week. So, that means my Mom and my niece watched my kids while we were gone. And I think they went a little stir crazy as the roads were so iced over, people were ice skating on them. Literally. So, the kids returned to school as I said, and my boys came home an hour after school started. We'll see what today holds! On to my favorites!

I think it goes without saying that my first 2 Favorites this week are my Mom and my niece for taking care of the homefront this week! Eddie and I only get away once a year for this show, so we really try to make the most of our only time away together. Without my Mom and niece, this would not be possible. 

Favorite #3

These are amazing! I have sinus issues regularly. And if you have ever felt like your head is going to literally explode on an airplane from the pressure, you need these! I take a nasal decongestant in conjunction with these and haven't had a problem in a long time!

Favorite #4

I wore these to Orlando this week. They were the only shoes I wore. I averaged about 16,000 steps each day walking around at the convention, and they were still really comfortable! I love that these are cute AND comfy! They required no breaking in time even for my unusual feet. For me, that is amazing!! I HIGHLY recommend them. In fact, I might even consider them a must have. 

Favorite #5

I know I have shared this before, but I have to use it as one of my Friday Favorites this week because I literally wore this just about all day, every day in Orlando. It saved me so many times! They keep things cool in the convention center, and even in Florida, the beginning of the week was really cool. And early mornings and after dark it cooled off quite a bit. I suppose even down there, in January, it is Winter! Not to mention, on the rare occasion when I wanted to take it off, it was lightweight to carry around or to stuff in one of those free messenger bags they pass out at this types of event.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Remember to join us next Thursday for our own linkup! We are excited to read all your tips and tricks for organization!


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  1. Hello from 85 degree Houston! Sorry, not sorry! I need to borrow someone's fitbit sometime and see what my steps are like at school. Hope you had a great time in Florida- your Kohler pics were so fun!

  2. I would love to know if the Avaseedo works!! I saw a commercial (or maybe a video on facebook??) I thought, you know, I would love to do that if it works, but if it doesn't then its a real waste of space to keep it on the counter so long! Ha! Good luck and be sure to let us know. Stopped over from Friday Favorites!

  3. Happy Saturday! I'm stopping by from the link up. Those socks sound so cozy and the naturalizer boots are super cute! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend! - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

    1. Brenda, thanks so much for stopping by! And thanks for the kind words!

  4. I love Cuddl Duds!! Can't wait to hear about the Avaseedo! Oh man what a start to the semester. Poor kids sick and crazy weather!! It can only get better. We went from minus temps to 50 in 24 hours. So nuts! Glad you had a nice getaway with the Mr. Stay warm and enjoy a cozy Sunday!


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