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Outer Banks Trip Days 4-6

Lighthouses, Cannons and Beaches, Oh My!

Thanks for coming back to check out the last installment of our OBX Trip recap!

Day 3

We started out the day with a trip to Duck Donuts! Of course we had to take a picture. Please excuse the picture. It was like 157 degrees with 3000% humidity. We were sweating and my hair had certainly seen better days. Heather looks beautiful as always. #howdoesshedothat?

The boys waiting in line to watch them make the doughnuts! 

 It's fascinating to watch them make the doughnuts fresh from start to finish before your eyes!

Next up, a few hours at the beach!


Heather and Dawson

Colby and Will

Kids always love to dig holes on the beach!!

Just sitting in the surf on this hot, hot day.

Sisters' Selfie!!

Elliot and Dawson

Time for dinner!

Here we all are at one of our MOST favorite restaurant in the OBX. JK's!! (Click for more info!)

Elliot loves Uncle Chase!

Here are their Tobacco Onions. They are basically the best fried onion "strings" ever, and the sauce is awesome! They are famous for their dry rub ribs! If you ever get the chance to go, order them!! You won't be sorry! And it's pretty kid friendly too! They have a kids menu, paper covering the white tablecloths with crayons and the window to the grill is in the hostess area. If they see a kid in the window, they make the flames "dance"!

After dinner, we made a stop at Parrot Bay. Selfie! Look at our faces. Heather is laughing at me for hauling out the selfie stick again. 

And the best ghost crab find of the night!

Day 4

We took a little trip to show the Wisconsinites a lighthouse! The closest one to us was the Bodie Island Lighthouse

Family Picture Time!


Mommm! It's too bright! Do we have tooooo?!?!

Our next stop was Kitty Hawk Kites located right across from Jockey's Ridge, the largest sand dune on the East Coast. We bought some fudge, had some lunch and happened upon their annual Pirate Festival!


Because of the Pirate Festival, they had this lovely lady posing a mermaid for the kids. Elliot LOVED it!

Pirate area

Jockey's Ridge is that sand dune across the street. This picture really doesn't do it's size justice.

Elliot in the pillory

Will in the pillory. LESS than thrilled!
Elliot steering and dancing!


Pirate Santa

"Slim" the Pirate

They are preparing the set the cannons off! Everyone had to get behind the line, but I am the goofball in the parking lot on the wrong side of the cannons trying to get pictures of them going off. Man! They were SO loud!

We went to dinner at Mako Mike's, one of the kids' favorite because of all the shark "stuff" they have everywhere. Another group selfie!!

Of course we HAD to pose in the giant adirondack chair!

Loving on my nephews! I miss them so much!
Too sweet of Heather and Colby NOT to share it!!

And a final trip to the beach before we had to pack up the next day.

My heart is melting!!

All the cousins together!! So precious!!

Brotherly love!

Sisterly love!

More hole digging!!

Getting ready to ghost crab hunt one last time with the flashlights!

Thanks for the help, Uncle Chase!

Day 6

On our way back home, so that they could catch their flight home the next morning, we stopped to share with them our Capt'n Franks tradition!

That's it! I loved writing these posts because it was like reliving all of the fun we had! I feel so lucky to have Heather for a sister (and of course Chase for a brother-in-law and Colby and Dawson for nephews!)!!  I love them all so so much! I can't wait until we get to visit with them again!


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