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Friday Favorites! October 7th

It's Friday! You know what that means! Today, we are linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea!

I really love Friday Favorites! This week my #1 Favorite is a doozy!

Favorite #1& #2

Since we are new to the blogging world, I am always looking for ways to expand our horizons and expose our blog to more of you. On Instagram, there is a group of bloggers doing a challenge for the month of October. You wear something that goes with the prompt and post it on Instagram with their hashtag, #simplystyledoctober. It's my first favorite this week! What a fun idea!

On Wednesday, I thought I would post a quick picture of my Loft outfit for the sugar and spice prompt, with my Luke's Diner coffee cup in hand.

Striped Peplum Tee (currently sold out)// Leggings

Loft saw it and used it on their social media pages AND their website!! What?!? I couldn't and STILL can't believe it! 

Favorite #3

I LOVED the Luke's Diner pop ups in local coffee shops to celebrate the 16th Birthday and the Year In The Life of the Gilmore Girls! As you know, if you care anything about Gilmore Girls, the revival is coming out on Netflix next month!! 

What a fun promotion this was! They had cups with a Lorelai quote on each one. The coffee cup sleeves had the Luke's Diner logo on them. The baristas were wearing Luke's aprons and hats!! And the coffee was FREE!! Lorelai would have TOTALLY approved. Luke would not have. Cell phones all over the place!
Note:pic from the show that I borrowed from the internet, not the pop up!
Seriously CANNOT wait until next month to see what is in store for Lorelai, Rory and the crew!!

She was sweet enough to let me take this selfie!

Up close so you can see the quote! Love it!

All the ambiance- Where's Caesar!?!?
Favorite #4

Yoga with Adriene on YouTube!!!!

I don't exactly work out a lot. I try. I do. I swear!! I know I am supposed to, and it's good for you, and I feel better when I do. But it is so hard to find the time. #amiright? And not just a window of time to do the workout, but to do all it entails. Putting on the clothes, doing the actual workout, showering after...which leads to hair washing/drying problems. I know...worse things in life, right? 

I found Adriene earlier this year when I was looking for yoga to do. You might call me a Type A personality. I am always stressed. So, I tried to find something that would help calm the mind, help with my flexibility (which is less than great), and have less muscle pain. Yoga for the win!

Her channel on YouTube is awesome. She is awesome. I love her outlook on yoga and the self love and acceptance she promotes is nice.  She is constantly saying things about how it's ok not to be in X position today or Y position tomorrow. Be where you are. I am not into going to classes (again with the time thing!) for several reasons. So, this is really perfect. I watch her on the YouTube channel/app/whatever they call it on my AppleTV.  If you like yoga, or are interested in getting into it, check her out on YouTube!

Favorite #5

Younger on TV Land

Seriously, what a fun show! I love Sutton Foster, who plays Liza, the main character.  She is a 40 year old mother and recently divorced. She gets mistaken for a 26 year old and she runs with it so that she can restart her career. Of course her life is based on lies, so that makes it interesting. That, and a couple of really hot love interests!  It has just begun Season 3, so if you haven't seen it, sounds like a good binge watch for the weekend!


Favorite #1
I have naturally curly/wavy hair.  I used to straighten my hair daily, but I decided a while ago that I was tired of spending so much time on my hair.  I have tried EVERYTHING!  My new favorite curl enhancing product is Deva Curl Ultra Defining Gel.  I love it!  I towel dry my hair, comb out the tangles, and use about a dime-sized amount on each side of my hair.  (I scrunch my hair as I add it.)  It is sulfate, paraben, and silicone free, and it smells great.  I find that my curls last all day and I rarely have frizz.  I buy it at Ulta, but I know that you can buy it online as well.

Favorite #2
I am excited that it is fall for several reasons, but at the top of my list is that I get to wear my FRYE BOOTS again!  They are the best boots that I have ever owned.  I know that they can be expensive, but they last for a long time and they are comfortable!  If you look online you can find them on sale, which is how I scored both pairs that I own.  My daughters are well aware of my love of my Frye boots.  The first time that I wore them this season they both said, "You are wearing your Frye boots! I know that you are so happy!"

Favorite #3
I am a kindergarten teacher and a bit of a germophobe.  Not a great combination I know!  To stay well during cold and flu season, I chew 3 Airborne gummies every day.  (More often if I feel a cold coming on or if there are a lot of sick kids in my class.)  I swear by them!  I am around a lot of sickness and I hardly ever get sick.  I believe that good hand washing is the first line of defense, but that won't help if a 5 year old sneezes in your face.  (This happens to me more than you would think!) I don't go a day without my dose of Airborne!


Previous Friday Favorites

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  1. 1st- Love the Gilmore Girls coffee day! 2nd- Like I needed another show to be watching, but Younger is definitely one I've been needing to check out. And 3rd- I feel ya on the students and germs- it doesn't get any better in middle school! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks! I hope you have had a chance to check out Younger! Sorry for the delay, I just got access to the internet, thanks to Matthew! Hope you had a great weekend!


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