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Friday Favorites - January 20th

Today we are linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea for our weekly installment of Friday Favorites!

Favorite #1

Real Simple magazine. 

I have been a subscriber since the very first issue back in April of 2000. I have loved every issue. It's the one magazine that I get excited to see in the mail and actually read it cover to cover. There are so many great tips! Actually, now that I think about it, it reminds me a little of our blog. Recipes, fashion, tips to make life a nifty magazine!

Favorite #2

Route 11 Potato Chips

Omg, you guys! I am usually a sweets girl. Chocolate, baked goods with chocolate in them, chocolate name it, I love it. In my opinion, chocolate anything is really the only viable dessert option. An occasional apple something is ok, but #givemeallthechocolate!

But these dangerous. They are in smallish bags, or at least that's what I tell myself. My oldest son, my niece and I all sat on the couch watching TV together one night over Winter Break with an unopened bag. Within about 30 minutes, it was empty. Oops. Seriously. So. Good. If they are not in stores near you and you want to give them a try... click on their website to order some!

Favorite #3

Debbie Macomber books!

It is no secret that over the holidays, I got really into watching the Hallmark Channel's holiday movies. I discovered that two Debbie Macomber's books were made into movies. And I am always on the hunt for lighthearted chick lit books. I read several of her Christmas books. After the holidays were over, I found her Dakota series, and a book and a half in...I am loving it! Dakota Born is the first in the series and it was cute! Nothing too deep! Loved it!

And finally...

Favorite #4

My kindle! Without which, I would not be able to read as much as I do. I really appreciated it on my recent trip! In case you don't follow us on Instagram, you should! My husband and I went to Orlando for the International Builders' Show or IBS. (Horrible choice of acronym!) I carted it around in my purse in case he got really wrapped up and wanted to do more than I wanted. It is lightweight and portable and houses SO many books! 

Back in the day, before kindles existed, I would take multiple books on vacation. The one I was reading, the one I THOUGHT I wanted to read next, another one in case the next one in line didn't appeal to me once we got there and usually a fourth in case I finished the others. Might I add that this was pre-kids? Now I am lucky to get halfway through a book. There's no lounging by the pool or lying on the beach reading. Vacations have become a sort of relay race between activities and meal times and...well you get the idea. Not so relaxing, you know what I mean? Not complaining, (well, maybe a little!) but a lot of running around and not so much with the sitting and reading.

All that said, now I load those 4 books on my kindle and off we go! I am sure that you already know about kindles, but it really is one of my favorite things ever.

Favorite #1
I love ice cream of all kinds!  I know that it is not good for me, but I treat myself at least once a week to a delicious ice cream treat.  My current favorite (and my favorite every year during this season) is the Chick-fil-a Peppermint Chocolate Chip milkshake!  It is AWESOME!  They only have it during this time of the year, but I almost wonder if that is why I love it so much.  (I know that I can only have it for a few short months!)  I look forward to it coming back every year!  If you have never tried a Chick-fil-a milkshake, it is a will not disappoint!

Favorite #2
I do not have a big skin care routine like many women, but there is one product that I have used since high school and I swear by it...witch hazel!  I use it as an astringent to clean my face each night.  It is 100% natural and it does not dry out my skin.  I love it!  I have honestly used it to clean my face since I was 14.  This, along with a moisturizer with sunscreen, is all that I use on my face.  It leaves my skin feeling clean and refreshed.  Give it a try!  It is really affordable, so if you hate it (which I don't think that you will) it is no real loss.

Favorite #3
Another product that I love is Vick's VapoRub!  I have found that if I rub it on the bottom of my girls' feet and cover their feet with socks at night before bed, it calms their cough.  I know it may sound strange, but it works!  I also use Vick's VapoRub on my temples and forehead when I feel a headache coming on and it definitely works to alleviate the pain.  Here is a link of other possible uses: (I have not tried most of these,) 

Favorite #4
This week we celebrated my oldest daughter's 11th birthday.  I truly can't believe that she is that old and headed to middle school in the fall!  She is really becoming a caring and independent young lady. This is hard to watch in some ways because she doesn't need me as much anymore.  But, in another way, it shows that she is growing up and is becoming more and more ready to take on the world!  I am so excited to see what the future holds for her.  I know that no matter what path she chooses, she will be amazing!


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  1. My mom and I subscribe to different magazines and then pass then swap each month- love getting Real Simple from her. Happy birthday to ypur daughter! I'm a middle school teacher and think the tweens stage is so fun! Happy weekend!

    1. I like the magazine swap idea! And I didn't know you were a middle school teacher! Brave lady! What subject do you teach??

  2. Happy birthday to your beautiful 11-year-old! I am a sweets girl too, but give me a good salty potato chip and I am over the moon! My mom and I just love reading and swapping magazines too, in fact, I have a stack on my end table she's given me. We've been doing this as long as I can remember. I hope you have a glorious weekend beautiful ladies!

    1. I really have missed out on the magazine swapping! Thanks, Andrea, as always for stopping by!!


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