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Friday Favorites - February 17th

If it's Friday, you know we're happy to be linking up with ErikaNarci, and Andrea!

Favorite #1

I don't think I have shared this one with you yet. I love this show! It's new this season, and I love the characters. They are quirky, but fun. If you need a good laugh and not easily offended, you should definitely check it out. I am a very sarcastic person, so I really enjoy this sense of humor.

Favorite #2

My sweet family

We had a very nice Valentine's Day! It has become a fun tradition (I forgot to get pictures!! Argh!!) to dine together in our actual dining room! We have an Italian dish of some sort, usually Chicken Parmesan, but this year I found heart shaped ravioli. We dine by candlelight with Frank Sinatra style background music. And then we have a actual dessert. We don't usually have a big dessert, but this year we had a heart shaped chocolate ganache cake.

Favorite #3

I stumbled on this workout challenge on Facebook last week and I signed up.  I debated about it. I really did. I HATE to workout. I then remembered that Spring Break is fast approaching. And I played pretty fast and loose with those Trader Joe's cookies over the last few months. And the workouts are only 15 minutes. When you think of it that way, it doesn't sound so bad. You could do just about anything for 15 minutes, right? I have done 3 days so far, and it is an intense 15 minutes. It's challenging and I am sore, but I think I like it. I doubt I will look like the instructor...ever...but toning up a bit before donning a bathing suit sure would be nice.


I am furiously packing for our next dance competition in Pittsburgh, but I wanted to share a couple of my favorites from this week!

Favorite #1
We had a sleepover for my oldest daughter's birthday this weekend, and she wanted to make slime as one of the activities.  For some reason, making slime has been quite popular in my area lately.  In fact, many stores are SOLD OUT of white school glue because of its popularity!  She wanted to find a new recipe that we have not tried and I found this one for "fluffy slime":

I was pretty happy with how it turned out.  The shaving cream really does make it "fluffy",  It almost has a marshmallow consistency.  More importantly, the girls loved it and it kept them occupied for quite a while!  I put some in a container for each of them so that they could play with it later as well. I would definitely try it again.

Favorite #2
My youngest daughter and I have become quite obsessed with brush lettering.  She is my artistic child, so she wants to try and learn how to do it.  Sara showed me an Instagram account of a woman that is amazing at brush lettering, @kellycreates.  She puts videos of herself doing brush lettering and I could honestly watch it for hours!  I did some research on her site and on Amazon to find good markers for my daughter to start with, and we decided to try Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers. We have played around with them some and we realize that we need to use practice sheets for brush lettering.  I have found some for free online, so once we get back from Pittsburgh I plan to print them out so that my daughter can practice.

Sorry for the short post!  I have more packing and laundry to do before we leave in the morning.  I will post next week about our trip.  We won't have a lot of time to explore Pittsburgh, but I am hoping that we will be able to see a little of the area before we leave.


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  1. The brush lettering looks so cool! My kids at school got banned from selling slime this year. Apparently the trend hit the whole country! Love the Sinatra tunes for Vday dinner! Have a great weekend!

  2. Whew that workout just might get me motivated! ha! Happy weekend!


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