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Friday Favorites - February 10th

If it's Friday, you know we're linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea!

Favorite #1

My family is planning on taking a trip for Spring Break in just a few short weeks. Elliot, who is 4, will need a booster seat for our transportation. I found this on Amazon (link above), and was so excited! I don't know about you, but this is a game changer for us! You always have to carry or check a bulky seat. I hope this works in practice as well as it seems it will in concept! Ours arrived yesterday! I will be sure to update you on whether or not we liked it!

Favorite #2


My family has gotten into doing puzzles lately. It brings back memories for me of doing them with my Dad as a kid. I remember one puzzle in particular we did. It was all chocolate candy bars! I wish I had pics for you. This has become quite a favorite at our house. And it's low tech! We all need to put the devices down more!

Favorite #3

Oh my gosh, you guys! I was so excited! This past weekend, we got a brick and mortar Athleta store! I am a huge fan of their sister brands (Old Navy, Gap and Banana Republic). Admittedly, I don't work out as much as I should. But I love a shiny new store, and it is nice to have that tactile experience! of course, I went to check it out! They had some really cute stuff. I also went in search of a new bathing suit. I hear their suits are really cute. Let me tell you...they didn't disappoint. I know...too soon to be talking swim suits. Our Spring Break falls ridiculously early. We will be off in just a few short weeks. Look what I found!

I had my son with me and the store was mondo crowded, but I thought this and the pattern and the colors were so cute, I went home and ordered it online. I can't wait to get them and try them on! Now...if only I was as fit as the airbrushed girl in the picture... One can dream, right?


What a week!  We had a belated birthday party for my oldest daughter with family this past weekend, and we are preparing for a SLEEPOVER party Saturday night.  😰  
Here are some of my current favorites:

Favorite #1
Let me preface this favorite by saying that I only get my hair cut 2 or 3 times a year.  With curly, thick hair I have the luxury of going a long time between haircuts.  I went for a haircut today and she also straightened it for me since I do not usually have time to do it myself.  I love it!!  I almost never have straight hair anymore.  It is fun to see my girls' reactions to my "new" least for 24 hours!

I realize in looking at this picture that I need to get my brows done!  I am going to have to plan a trip to the Benefit Brow Bar at Ulta soon!  (I have listed this as one of my favorites in a previous post.)

Favorite #2
One of the parents in my class gave me an RTIC 30 oz tumbler and it has quickly become my favorite cup!  It keeps my water cold and ICE IN THE CUP  for the whole school day.  I have found that I am doing a better job of drinking water throughout the day now.  I also love the cute monogrammed sticker that she added to it for me.  I am a sucker for anything monogrammed.  (Even though my initials spell "tar"!)

Favorite #3
My girls and I love to play board games together.  A new game that we have discovered is Ticket to Ride.  I saw all of the great reviews on Amazon, so I decided to give it to my oldest daughter for her birthday.  It is a lot of fun!  The object of the game is to build railways between cities.  It is a great strategy game that both my 8 and 10 year old enjoy.  This is definitely going to be a go-to game for future game nights.

Favorite #4
My father-in-law gave my oldest daughter an Amazon Echo Dot for her birthday.  We are all enjoying the benefits of having "Alexa" in our lives!  It has a lot of uses, but my family mostly uses it to play music and ask Alexa questions.  You add "skills" to it depending on what you want it to do.  My girls added a animal game skill where Alexa guesses any animal you can think of, a knock knock joke skill, and a random fact skill.  I plan to do more research about the skills that I can add for me as well. We are keeping it in the family room so that we can all use and enjoy it.  I know that we are not taking advantage of all of its capabilities yet, but we are having fun playing with it for now.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great weekend! Don't forget to join us next week for our Ladies Who Link linkup!

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  1. Trina- your initials are my husband and kids put together. I've always wanted to make a necklace with their initials as a monogram but it spells out TAR or RAT or ART! :) Looking forward to seeing what's in y'all's makeup drawers!


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