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What's Up Wednesday {1/25}


I actually meal planned this week! We are having Chicken Caesar salads, Linguine with Tomato Cream Sauce and Meatballs, Pioneer Woman's Simple, Perfect Chili, and also her Ginger Steak Salad. What are you eating?

Today is my Dad's birthday. He would have been 71 today. I miss him so so much. I am trying to remember the good times today.

That we have already had snow once this year! Here in Virginia, we get snow, but not a lot. Especially in my area. So, things shut down and you actually get a snow day when even just a little snow falls. I am hoping for another good snow before snow season is over! I know, random, right?

We've been crazy busy! Eddie and I went to the International Builders' Show in Orlando earlier this month (if you'd like to read more about that click here and here). Elliot started Full Day school (yippee!!!) after Christmas Break and after they went back from being sick and the snow, I am enjoying a little extra time to get things done! I am running errands, and catching up on things that have been put off.

I think I say this every up my house. As I have also said before, we are moving (hopefully) this year and I need to start purging and organizing now. It's such a bug undertaking, I dread it. Once I get into it, I know I will be happy I did.

Blogging more and more consistently. Again, with the house cleaning. Being more organized. Meal planning more. You know...typical SAHM stuff. 

Trina and I have been collaborating with Allie over at A Gal Named Al to do a linkup called Ladies Who Link every 3rd Thursday. We hope you will join us!
Click here to see January's post and to learn more about it!

Have I mentioned we're building a house? I love to go several times a week to check on the progress. It's so exciting to watch something we designed on a computer screen (with a professional) come to life in real life. Today, was a perfect day to lounge by the pool there...Ha!


I am watching the new PBS show, Victoria! I love it! If you haven't seen must check it out. Especially if you were a fan of Downton Abbey! And you aren't too far behind! Only 2 episodes have aired.

My uniform! Jeans, boots, tee, scarf!

Patriotic Wear inspired by my children on Inauguration Day (as seen on social media)

My kids wore patriotic clothing for an event they were doing at school on Inauguration Day


Going to attend a school function. Every year they have a Grand Auction and it is themed. This year's theme is Mardi Gras! These are my selections. I don't know if I will be brave enough to do the eye makeup. We shall see!


Super Bowl! Even though my beloved Packers didn't make it. SO close, until the last game. We love the Super Bowl around here no matter who is playing!

AND Trina and I get to meet up later in the month! I always look forward to our rare occasions to see each other. I miss her so much!

I think that covers it! Hope you are having a great start to the new year!


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