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International Builders' Show Recap Day 3

Thanks for coming back to see what happened on our last day at the International Builders' Show!

We got up EARLY and went to the convention center. We had previously booked a tour of about 5 homes in the Orlando area to learn about their market and building practices and standards. When we arrived to meet the group, this was in the entrance on both sides. Isn't it cool?! In case you can't tell, it is a hydroponic system to grow food here inside for them to use to feed the visitors.

These are some of the cool details in the homes that we saw.

I LOVE these beams!!

These stained doors seem to be a big trend in homes.

Look at this cool magazine rack and storage in the bathroom!

This style of wood is very popular as well.

I have always loved coffered ceilings!

My husband loved this room! I thought the wallpaper was pretty bold, but I can see why a man might like this for his office.

I thought this was really simple and pretty.

I loved what they were doing with this covered porch. Concrete, and I presume a smaller tile in the gaps. I would love to see a wood or wood appearing product fill in the gaps.

I also liked these built ins in the family room.

Another pretty coffered ceiling.

This tree was in a neighbor's yard of one of the houses we saw. I thought it was so pretty and unusual. Some of the branches were actually laying on the ground.

After the home tour, we wandered a bit through the convention center for a bit to look at some more booths. Afterwards, we headed over to Universal City Walk to grab some dinner.

Walking over from the parking deck, they had this huge monitor showing you real time the people walking by. But then they superimposed a guy walking buy and getting abducted by aliens. Kind of unusual but a cool use of technology. So, of course, I had to capture it for you!

An interesting mini golf on the way in too.

Obligatory selfie

We ate at The CowFish Sushi Burger Bar. It is a really interesting combination of cuisines. 

And for all you Pokèmon Go fans, you will recognize that this place is crazy with Pokestops! We checked in to our kids accounts to help them out. We are coming back for Spring Break, and I know they are pumped to check it out!

Parmesan Bacon Truffle Fries...oh my!

The All-American Bacon Double Cheeseburgerooshi

Seared Sesame Tuna Salad

I thought their combo of condiments was interesting. Never before have I seen these together!

When we walked in, we noticed a new place, The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium! We decided we must check it out for dessert!

This place was crazy! It is Steampunk themed. (If you don't know what that is, think Rory and Logan from the Gilmore Girls and the Life and Death Bridgade. Or you can google it!) They had really fun displays, and merchandise and the treats were to die for!

This was edible chocolate. Crazy!

Just amazing.

Notice the costume/uniforms. And Macaroons for days!!

I felt so Rory in this hat! Except, I am not about to jump off of a platform!

Views of CityWalk

And the next day, we got up and went back home to reality! Thanks for stopping by and reading about our trip!


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  1. I have so enjoyed reading about your trip! That chocolate Emporium looks incredible and your food pics have me drooling and ready for lunch, lol. I love a coffered ceiling too, hoping to have one in the house we are building this year.

    1. Thanks, Andrea!! The Chocolate Emporium really WAS incredible! Their chocolate covered strawberries weren't bad either! I love a coffered ceiling and we, too, are planning on putting one into our new home we are building too!

  2. Oh wow! We're headed to Disney and Universal next summer, so we will definitely have to check out the Chocolate Emporium!


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