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Friday Favorites - February 3rd

It's Friday! You know what that means! It's linkup time with ErikaNarci and Andrea!

Favorite #1

Super Bowl!

As you may already know, I am a Packers fan. So, this particular Super Bowl matchup is not so thrilling at my house. But what IS my favorite it our Super Bowl traditions!
Every year, we have some family friends that have a party at their house. It is more like a tailgating g party, because no one is welcome to stay and watch the game. The first year this occurred, we were all confused by the concept, because they call it a Super Bowl party. Now, 7 years in, it is one of my all-time favorite traditions and I look forward to it every year. I love it because we get to come home and watch the Super Bowl at our house, with whatever food and decorations we want, and the kids can still go to bed at a reasonable(ish) time. They invite all of our mutual friends and all the kids are all there. Everyone brings a dish, they pull out a deep fryer and fry all kinds of weird stuff. It's just a wholesome good time. With moderately consumed alcohol.

At about 5:30, we head home and furiously prepare for our own mini party. I buy party supplies and Super Bowl licensed paper goods every year. I also have balloons that represent both teams playing. I try to set all that up before we leave for the other party. We sit in our media room (yes, we have a media room) and eat one by one get our kids to bed. I love these family traditions we have!

Super Bowls from Years Past

My Sister, Heather visited back in 2006!

Packers Go To The Super Bowl, 2011

Homemade Football Cake Pops, 2012
Our  Party Setup, 2012 with my family, and my brother and niece and nephew




Look at how little Elliot was in 2015!

And finally...last year! 2016 

Favorite #2

Hobo Wallet

I saw this on an a video and then this linked article on the blog, How Does She. She sold it well! I was convinced! The link above is to the Nordstrom website where you can get one. You can also purchase them at Amazon (my fave!) and I have heard TJ Max has them for great prices! I got mine at Nordstrom Rack for seriously HALF the price.  I have it in this graphite color in the pictures below and I love it! It can be a clutch for a night out. It is slim no matter how much you stuff in there, and holds quite a bit. And it's convenient. I keep my most used stuff in the center. To quote Buddy the Elf, "I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!"

Favorite #3

Best Hand Lotion Ever!

I saw this fabulous stuff in this  linked article at One Good Things By Jillee

My hands are so dry. Especially during the winter time. I saw the article and I was convinced I had to try it! I am so glad I did. It has a nice thick texture. It almost has a barrier like feel. It has made such a difference in the last few weeks that I have had it. I have really appreciated it and I thought you might also like to know about it!

Favorite #4

All things British on tv. Victoria and The Crown

I am loving it all! I find myself jokingly talking in a British accent by accident. You know those occasions where you say things in a silly way to your children so that they may not immediately hate the words coming out of your mouth? Everything sounds better in a British accent, I think we can all agree. I have been spending so much time on both of these shows, it tends to come out of my mouth a bit easier.

Thanks to Trina, for her The Crown suggestion. I CANNOT stop. It is one of those shows where I watch an episode and think...what if I watched maybe 15 more minutes of the next one? 

AND I am getting a history lesson! I feel l have learned so much I did not know about the British Monarchy and the time period. So, dare I say it is educational??

And Victoria is the same! I find myself learning about her life and curious about the actual historical events that took place, just like with The Crown. And these two aren't bad to look at either.

Happy weekend, everyone! And Go (insert favorite team playing in the Super Bowl here)!!!


This has been a crazy week!  Thanks to Sara for being our "voice" on the blog lately.  My oldest daughter is in the midst of dance competition season and it is awesome but very time consuming!  Here are some of the things that I am loving right now...

Favorite #1
Speaking of dance, I am loving how much my daughter is enjoying dance right now.  She is on the competition team for her dance studio for the first time and learning so much.  At the competition this weekend, she got to take classes from choreographers that we watch on So You Think You Can Dance. I admit that I was starstruck as well!  Her group also won high first, so that was a bonus! 

Robert Roldan from So You Think You Can Dance
JT Church-He was the So You Think You Can Dance The Next Generation 1st runner up!

Kathryn McCormick from So You Think You Can Dance

Favorite #2
As Sara mentioned, I am LOVING the new PBS show, Victoria!  I have been interested in the life of Queen Victoria since I saw the movie The Young Victoria with Emily Blunt years ago. (If you haven't seen it, you should definitely check it out!)  I love the costumes, the scenery, the story line,,,,honestly everything about it is great!  It comes on Sunday nights at 9:00.  I definitely think that you should give it a shot if you haven't already!

Favorite #3
I have had to increase my knowledge of makeup considerably since my daughter has to wear it for dance competitions.  I admit that I am still getting the hang of it, and I make mistakes OFTEN!  I have found Almay makeup eraser sticks and they have been a life saver!  Inevitably when I am applying eye makeup on my daughter I will get it somewhere that I shouldn't,  Before finding the makeup eraser sticks, I would take it off using a cotton ball and liquid eye makeup remover.  This was not the best solution because I would have to go back and reapply the foundation, powder, etc. that came off as well.  The makeup remover sticks allow me to remove just the unwanted makeup around her eye.  I love them!  You can find them in the makeup aisle at Target.

Favorite #4
It is norovirus (stomach bug) season everywhere...definitely NOT my favorite!  Being a kindergarten teacher and a mom, I am always looking for ways to keep my family healthy.  Washing your hands with soap and water is always the best method of defense against getting sick, but when that is not an option I use Clorox hand sanitizer.  Most hand sanitizers do not kill the norovirus, but this one does!  I have never seen it in the store, but I order on Amazon Prime.  It is definitely more expensive than other hand sanitizers, but to me it is worth it!  


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  1. Can I just say, every time I come to your space here, I smile!! Always love your favs and how fun were the football throwbacks!! We would've preferred a team like the Packers too!! I'll have a football pop please, and root for the Falcons. ;-) I'm still mad at Tom Brady over deflatgate, no matter how cute he is, lol. Happy weekend ladies!!

  2. I'm no football fan, but your football cake pops are so fun! And apparently one of the students at my school got in trouble the other day in his class because he was streaming The Crown on his phone instead of paying attention to his teacher! HA! Happy weekend!


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