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Ladies Who Link: June Edition- Summer Plans!

Happy Summer Planning everyone!

My wonderful, delightful children have already been out of school for 2 weeks. And as it turns out, my summer plan is currently...


Well, the survival of my sanity, anyway. With 3 kids, it seems all they enjoy doing to driving each other bananas. Which drives me bananas. Don't get me wrong. I really do love with all my heart and enjoy spending time with them. Just maybe not THIS much time.

But seriously, we actually have plans. We have some trips planned and the kids have a few weeks of day camp they are registered for. 

First, we are taking a weekend road trip to visit the grandparents in New Jersey. I have been collecting snacks to go into their Road Trip Boxes. If you didn't see that post or can't remember, I got you, boo. ;) Road Tripping With Kids

Here are some pics to show you what I am talking about

Turns out, they love these things. I had considered not doing them for this upcoming trip. Once they heard about the trip, they started asking for them. I try to get a variety of things to keep them fed without having me constantly getting something for them! And they don't fight over someone eating all of get the idea. And I pack a second set of treats for the return trip and hide them from the children. That way, there is always something to get excited about in the car on the way home!

Next up, after New Jersey,  the kids have a couple of weeks of camps. Then, we fly to Los Angeles to visit my niece. I am excited to see her and to show the kids around L.A. 

However, I am more than a little panicked at flying cross country with the kids. Even as an adult, I get fidgety after about 3 hours. So, I am in overkill prep mode for trying to find things now to keep them all occupied. My biggest challenge is Elliot, who is 4. She is what one might call...spirited. She doesn't enjoy sitting still. So, if any of you have brilliant suggestions of things to keep a little girl this age entertained, please share them with me!!!!!

This is what I posted for ideas last year...Tips for Traveling with Kids!

I will still do the hourly gifts, and definitely bring a thermos to fill with water or juice. And I am in the process of selecting movies to download. 

We are also trying to find good noise-cancelling headphones for everyone. We have also purchased pillows and cozy socks (can you tell I am hoping for everyone to sleep??) and am trying to decide the easiest way to bring everyone's own blanket.  I just read an article about how disgusting airline pillows, blankets and headphones are. I am not a huge germaphobe, but ew! And the tray tables are apparently disgusting. Sanitizing wipes are getting added to the list of things to pack too!

Hopefully, we will survive our trip to LA because a week later, we fly to Wisconsin to visit my family! Lots of flying this summer! That trip is less long, so slightly less preparation involved! 

And, finally, we head to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a week close to the end of summer!! I am exhausted already! Not to mention, all the fun "bucket list" items of summer we want to accomplish, like making s'mores, going to the beach, hunting ghost crabs, hanging together in the pool, reading books, going to see movies...maybe I should make a Summer Bucket List like the Fall Bucket List I made last year! 

Please be sure to join our linkup below! Can't wait to read about all of your summer plans! And join us next month on July 20th to linkup your Travel Tips and Vacation Suggestions!



  1. I literally laughed out loud at your first couple of sentences! ha ha!! Our kids are still in school for the next week but I am sure I will feel the same way after that- thank God for camps and summer plans :)

  2. You are going to be so busy, your summer is going to fly by. I'd say downloading the movies is the best bet for entertaining your little ball of fire. 😉 I love your Road Trip boxes. I've seen something similar to that that involved small amounts of a bunch of different snacks. Super smart! Do you have a car bingo game? We had that as kids and then I got them for my kids when we used to do travel in the car. I've seen them at World Market. Looks like you've got it under control👍🏼

  3. Love the boxes- way fancier than my brown bags! I'm exhausted just reading about your travels! My travel agent emailed me about booking Disney next week, and I'm SO excited! Thanks for co-hosting!


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