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What's Up Wednesday {9/28}

What We're Eating This Week... 

S- I made a Crockpot Cheesy Chicken and Rice meal on Sunday because Trina and I got to have a Mom's Coffee Date IRL!!!!! I thought it would be perfect to come home to a mostly cooked dinner after having a fabulous day with her! I am not sharing the recipe, because it was not as good as it sounded. Bummer! #dinnerfail!

This week Pioneer Woman's Stuffed Shells were requested along with Homemade Pizza with Lemony Arugula (a staple in our house!) And something else including chicken...lately I have been LOVING a Chicken Caesar Salad.  Mmmm, so good and easy!

Chicken Caesar Salad

What I'm Reminiscing About... 

S-I am reminiscing a bit about my family memories in our old family Farmhouse. We are in the midst of a renovation to turn it into a brewery. My husband just showed me a picture (because I can't bring myself to go see the changes for myself yet!) of the first stages of demo and I started crying like an idiot. I have so many wonderful memories of my grandparents and my Dad and my Brother (all who are deceased now) in that house. It is so exciting to watch it become something wonderful for others to enjoy, but I am having a hard time watching it evolve into something different from the way it has been all my life! 


Who knew those beautiful floors were under the office carpet?

What I'm Loving... 

S- 1)The Fall temperatures!! Where I live in Virginia the last several days have been in the 70s!! 
2) I have said before I am a Packers fan, so I have been enjoying watching those games. 
3) I am loving that Trina and I got to see each other this weekend! 
4) Loving my new LOFT finds from their big sale! #loveLOFT
5) Loving the love we have been getting from you guys! We have more and more of you liking us on Instagram and Facebook every day! Thank you!!

What We've Been Up To... 

S-We have been making almost daily trips to see the progress of our pool at our lot. We are supposed to be starting the foundation next week!! #finally! We are sort of boring, I take the kids to school every day and while they are away, I am blogging, meal planning, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. Then I pick them up and we do snacks, down time, homework, dinner and bed. 

What I'm Dreading... 

S- As much as I love Fall, I absolutely loathe that it gets dark so early!! So, I dread the time when it starts to get dark at 5PM.

What I'm Working On... 

S- It bears repeating, I am working on getting my physical house in order. We have just recently decided to hire a cleaning company to come biweekly to clean the floors, kitchen and bathrooms. It has been a long while since we had someone other than me to help out like that! And the clutter has taken over! I am attempting to get it decluttered to the point, where these sweet people can clean efficiently. Yes, I know, first world problems. I am also trying to pare it down for our impending move!

What I'm Excited About... 

S-Everything that is to come! I am excited for Fall! I am excited about the Holidays! I am excited about watching our dream home come to fruition, finally!

What I'm Watching/Reading... 

S- I am loving the new Fall TV! Always excited to see the latest Modern Family episodes. I think everyone is buzzing about This Is Us, and for good reason. The very first episode knocked it out of the park for me. It was great. I loved how all the characters were interconnected. I would tell you more, but I don't want to ruin it for you! Just please, check it out! 

What I'm Listening To... 

S- I am still in love with Zac Brown Band. I am listening to them a lot. I have also been slightly obsessed with listening on satellite radio to the election coverage. I know, I know...don't talk politics! I won't get all into who is better than who and so on, but just the theatrics and positioning to me is fascinating. That's all! I'm done! 

What I'm Wearing... 

S- I am wearing:

Top from LOFT store...can't find it online!

Tweed Jacket/Lush Tunic/Jeans (different wash)

And latest favorite! It is so soft and cozy!! I have not been a big robe fan in the past, but this thing is like a dream!!

What I'm Doing This Weekend... 

S-We are celebrating my mom's 70th birthday! And attending a wedding of a long time friend! And going to Elliot's friend's birthday party! What a weekend! It should be exciting! Maybe not relaxing, but fun!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month... 

S-I am looking forward to our school's Fall Festival and Will''s birthday! And apple picking! And Halloween! Lots of fun things going on. 

What Else Is New...

S-We are still checking things off of our Fall Bucket List!  Hoping to find time this weekend to go pick out some pumpkins! 

I also take the opportunity before the weather turns cold, to check in with my kids' winter wear and see what fits and what needs to be replaced. 
Isn't that adorable? It is so cute on! It has a bit of a peplum shape to it, and is a bit longer than a regular coat, which I like. I was able to pick this up for her during a pretty good sale. I thought I would share. Lands' End is always a favorite for kids clothes and outerwear. They have good quality products, that last even with the wear and tear of kids! (P.S. I am in no way involved with Lands End or benefit from writing this in any way! I just like their stuff!)

***NOTE: Trina normally chimes in with me, but this month's What's Up Wednesday, she is still working to find her "groove" with getting back to school and shuttling her girls all over the place. I promise she will be back!! Fear not! This month you only get little old me! ;) Hope you enjoy the post!

Previous What's Up Wednesdays

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  1. I need to try that homemade pizza! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. I agree This is Us is such a great show!!!

    1. Thanks! Have you checked out The Good Place with Kristen Bell for a lighter comedy show?

  3. My favorite line from last week's Modern Family was Cam saying, "Someone call the track and get the doctor!" My husband is from a very small town, so that one just had me in stitches!

    1. I agree! That was really funny! I am so looking forward to tonight's episode! And I want Haley and Andy to be together!

  4. Happy 70th birthday to mama! My mom turns 70 next year and I'm trying to decide where to take her. I always take her on a great vacation for her milestone birthdays! I am just loving everything about fall as well, especially these cooler temperatures. I hope you ladies have a most glorious day

    1. Thanks, Andrea! I will pass on the birthday wishes to her! She wants to pretend it isn't happening! Thanks again for being so sweet!! You are quickly becoming a favorite of mine!

  5. That lemony arugula pizza looks so, so good. Also, I'm wearing a lush tunic now too :-)

    1. Thanks! I hope you try it and like it! Let me know how it goes! I love a Lush tunic!! Thanks for checking us out today!


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